Friday, May 20, 2016

Muiscas are flies??? The true meaning of the name Muisca.

Muiscas or Chibchas are a group of indegenous people located in Colobia. The proper name of this people should be Chibchas, but Muiscas became the name they are best known for. The reason as to why this name became so popular where the Spaniards. 

They heard the Chibchas use this word alot because it meant "people,". They also used this name a lot because they thought they were as numerous as th fly , or the "mosca" in spanish. None of the chroniclers of the time even used the proper name! They only called them Moscas or Moxcas (the last one sounds like a starbucks  drink).

The first one who called them by their proper name was Fray Bernando Lugo who stated that chibchan was their language, Father Simon really stated that since they speaked chibchan they would be called Chibchas. 

This days Chibcha is mostly used to refer to the linguistic family who speaks this way, meanwhile Muisca is used to specify this certain tribe in Colombia


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